33,65€ IVA inclós
Autor: Carlos Bunga
Preu: 33,65€
Editorial: Polígrafa
Any de publicació: 2019
Descripció: Carlos Bunga’s sculptural and painterly structures propose architecture as body and mindscape. Using only cardboard and paint, Bunga fantastical buildings, furniture-like sculptures and paintings as immersive environments. His works combine a powerful materiality with the evocation of psychic states. This book surveys his actions and performances; and documents over a decade of installations including major new works created for his survey exhibition at MAAT and Carmona e Costa Foundation in Lisbon. Enacting cycles of construction and destruction, Bunga explores states of dispossession and nomadism; the nature of spatial experience; and the creative and symbolic potential of ruin. I am interested in the temporal, emotional and intuitive aspects of space; and whether the imposing character of architecture may exist as experimentation… I try to maintain a physical and mental relationship with space as it is wrapped in its history… The contradictory nature of permanence and impermanence is a relation that exists in the work and is part of its structure. Carlos Bunga
Horari d’hivern
(de l’1 d’octubre al 31 de maig)
Matins: De dimarts a diumenge i festius: 10:30-14h
Tardes: De dijous a dissabte: 17-19h
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Financiat per la Unió Europea - NextGenerationEU
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